Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Why wait for the full moon night

Why wait for the full moon night
Your smile bathes the night every day
Why wait for the night
It is there in the smile of day
Each leaf each rock
Nay the very sod I tread

Why wait at the gates
When you are there
In my breath
And in every sigh 
Of the mountain breeze
And in the wing of the bird 
In flight on an invisible swing

Why wait for your honeyed voice
I hear you in the sounds
Of the silent trees
That sway as the breeze sings
I hear you in the quiet
Pierced by bird song
And in my shrine of stillness
Amidst the winds of thoughts
Knocking at my doors

Why wait to sleep in the sea
Of your eyes
They stretch all over me blue
From star to star and cloud to cloud

I wash your smiles
With my tears that don't stop
And the milky glow
Shines brighter
With each drop
That bite my eyes
They trickle down your snowy robes
A stream of joy
And wash your feet 
Wherever they go

Sita's dream

Going up the serpentine
Steps So narrow and long
Like a tunnel into the sky's end
Yet I moved fearlessly along
My limbs crushed
By the surrounding walls
Was it my head or my feet?
They all went up 
All the way

It was as if nothing could stop
Harpies, little dragon birds
And bats flew down.
Nothing stopped
As my body and soul
went Up
Round and round
Up the curving steps
That did not seem to end
Yet the climb was joy
To meet the one
I knew was there,
Waiting and urging me on.

And there he was
His limb hung down
It was the tip of a tail
That will burn a city of gold
To unite my captive heart
With its lord.

And yet the joy must yet await
Another climb
Another journey long
Across the seas 
And lands
Of patient wait
Till my heart breaks 
And I find Thee.

Why mothers don't die

Tell me child why you
Want balloons.
And then you cry
When they burst
With a bang.

There was too much breeze 
From the window;
It was the western wind
That broke them;
The yellow then the green.

Tears as big as them
Shook the earth.
The breeze too stopped
For a while;
Till you got a white
One this time.

And what if this too goes
The same way child?
Will you again flood the room
And send me afloat to
The town for more?

Balloons don't live
Who will tell the child?

So mothers don't die
Till every child has a balloon
Each time they cry.

You never came

When I woke up you were gone
Your robes soiled lay
On the floor
Waiting to be washed 
With sun beams
And the froth of the western breeze
 I searched everywhere
For you

No one answered
My cries echoed back to me

Then I saw you again
And you said you never came
As you never were gone

For you were the breeze
And the sun shine
That kissed all that was seen

Even the robes
I mistook for you
When the sun hid for some time

Make me not a tear drop

 Make me not a tear drop 
That will flow away
From your eyes;

Nor your breath that would 
Leave as it came;

Nor a shadow 
That is yet away from you;

Nor anything that
Must live away from you;

Indeed unmake Me.

And yet I ask not to
Be free,

But to be so bonded
To you that I never
Separate from thee.

Did you leave your fangs in heaven?

Did you leave your fangs
In heaven
Or hid them under the doorsteps
As you came hearing me cry? 

And your lion hues did you hide
In your eyes that now look
Muddled like an ocean
Of golden tears?

And your bloody nails
In the shoes you wore
As you came in a guise
You thought I never
Would know?

Do you now recline
In those eyes
Which like two boats
Row me to your arms
Faraway in me?