Thursday, March 28, 2013


The birds fly each to its nest
As sun goes to make a new dawn
Somewhere and wake up
Other birds that sleep
In a dream of comfort
Only to wake up and
Fret and fear of losing their
Resting place
How they cry and scream
As they fly home
Some to their new found nests
Some to keep the nests safe
From blowing winds
Some fearing the worst
And some to make new homes
Their cries of joy and fear
Mingle in a tearing wail
As they chase each other
To outpace and out run

All in search of a nest of quiet
Where the wails stop
And there is no further chase
No fear of being hunted
And no need to hunt
The birds in the sky
And those in the roads
In their blaring wheels
Each to their nest
Not sure of tomorrow
Just done with the last rites
Having cremated a day
Sad or joyful
As they were
Each day
Either a nest blown away
Or a nest built
Never sure
Of what awaits them
As the sun sets
Or rises everyday
The eggs proliferate
And the birds come flying from nowhere
Filling the earth and sky
And there is no sign
Of the mother
Or father
All orphan eggs
Wailing away
In tears and joy that ends in fear
That it will go away

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