Thursday, March 28, 2013

The monster egg

The green egg abandoned
Goes round in circles
To find the arms
That left it
Under the bare sky
With nothing
But itself
To feed on

It's tears flow out
In torrents
And yet it swallows them all
To quench the fires that
Smoulder in its belly

And like a curse or a blessing
The egg multiplies
And there are eggs wherever its skin
Is stretched
Each spot of green
Each drop of rain
Each pinch of sod
Has millions of eggs
They rain eggs all over her
What a blessing
Or is it a curse
To have so many
With none to feed
them on her breast


The birds fly each to its nest
As sun goes to make a new dawn
Somewhere and wake up
Other birds that sleep
In a dream of comfort
Only to wake up and
Fret and fear of losing their
Resting place
How they cry and scream
As they fly home
Some to their new found nests
Some to keep the nests safe
From blowing winds
Some fearing the worst
And some to make new homes
Their cries of joy and fear
Mingle in a tearing wail
As they chase each other
To outpace and out run

All in search of a nest of quiet
Where the wails stop
And there is no further chase
No fear of being hunted
And no need to hunt
The birds in the sky
And those in the roads
In their blaring wheels
Each to their nest
Not sure of tomorrow
Just done with the last rites
Having cremated a day
Sad or joyful
As they were
Each day
Either a nest blown away
Or a nest built
Never sure
Of what awaits them
As the sun sets
Or rises everyday
The eggs proliferate
And the birds come flying from nowhere
Filling the earth and sky
And there is no sign
Of the mother
Or father
All orphan eggs
Wailing away
In tears and joy that ends in fear
That it will go away

Thursday, March 21, 2013


I see no chains yet I'm immobile
My lips move and yet
They are sealed
I. Breathe while I'm comatose
I speak and yet it isn't
My voice
Who is it
That possesses me
And holds me in thrall
That even my tears
Are forbidden to flow
And I move like a shadow
Lifting boulders
And hauling them up
The cliff and see
Them fall down again
And force me to lift them again
A sisyphusian slave
Is there no end
No way out
Of these invisible chains
That cement me to this
Cell of warm stinking
Tomb of wet flesh
Forever mauled by a stampede of
Rushing feet that never

Thursday, March 14, 2013


I don't know words
Or what they mean
Or they mean nothing
To you
Its garbage for one
Shoddy to another
And my tears
They are nothing
But a whim
Of some gland
And yet I write and I cry
For I was born for that
To sob and utter
That no one can understand
There are foul smelling men
Who sleep on the street
You barely see
As you drive past
In your new cars
There are small joys
And smiles you
Have never known
As someone
Finds a treasure
In a discarded cloth
Or a kind look
That stole from your eye
As you spoke
To someone to kill time
One day my eyes would burn
With my fingers that write
In the pyre that time will light
And you must clap
With joy that you have fewer
Words now to read
And a face less to see
As you move on
Up the ladder
Past those who must forever sleep
On the wayside
Or underneath
A shroud of ashes and mud

The mud ball

This ball of mud goes round and round
In vain to see your face
To see you that surround
It spins like a dog
After its tail
In vain
And hurtles on
Not knowing why
Or where
Like a moth
Drawn by fire
And yet
It wants to be free
To be blown into the azure deep
Sea of space

Friday, March 8, 2013


I wait in the boat
In the rocking waves
Waiting for you
It moves around
Up and down
Where the waves draw it
And I go with the flow
Are you the wave
Are you the whirl
Or the boat
Am I then
Just a straw in the wind
Blown away at whim
Are you the wind
Or the straw
Is it my fate
Then to be left alone
For you are either not there
Or conceal your face
In a veil
I can't see
Do you fear
Like me
Do you fear me
Or loathe
Not to extend your hand of love
And be by my side
Nay be me
Let the wind break me apart
Then and the waves suck me in
If that can be

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Divine lullaby

You woke me up at midnight
And placed me in a cradle
Or was it your arms
And brushed your purple
Peacock brush on my tired limbs
And they tingled
And I seemed to swing
In a sheath of light
Was it a dream

was it my fancy
Did I float
Or was something floating in me
And then you rocked me to another dream
Of lights
Blazing through me
It was like a lightening
That was freezing in me
Till I woke up and longed
To be rocked again
In your swing of love
Will you come again to night
And rock me in your swing of melody
Where I know nothing but
The touch of your peacock crown?

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The stream

The thin stream flows on
Through hills and plain
Not knowing whence
It came
And the length
It will go
Till the waters dry up
Or perchance
Meet the oceans
And live forever

It looks up for the rains
That may fall
Or even a drop of dew
Anything that can keep the flow
As it trickles down ravines
On its way
That it never planned
But became its way
As it flowed

Which is the path it should take
And which to spare
It has no mind to know
And even with a mind
Water has to flow ahead
Through any way the water will go
Does it wonder
Or remember
The icy bosom
From which it came
Do they still hold its roots
Far far away
Or have they been sundered

Leaving the stream
To  its lonely fate

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The empty kumbh

The empty kumbh

I went to the Ganges full of joy
Full of hope that you are there now by my side
But when I came out of the waters
You were gone
And I found myself
Sit by the holy fire
You lit
And left for me to stare
Through the day and night
For three days
Till I had dried my tears
And burnt my body
My pain and joy
All turned into hot ash
That we all picked up I n pieces of paper and carried home
What was left
Was just an empty soul
A drop of water still
Separated from the river of joy
Aching to merge
And never to pine